...but I had forgotten about it! I was asked to make some sample vessel sinks for a company that does designer plumbing fixtures, and I was totally stressing about how to get the drain hole right. I know the shrinkage rate of my clay (14.25%) but the tolerances are quite small and the math was yielding measurements with a lot of digits behind the decimal points. Someone -- one of the Twitterati*, actually -- reminded me of this simple device for converting wet size to finished size for any given claybody. This just needs to be bisqued and fired like any other piece, and then I can get the measurments that I need to make the opening at the bottom of the bowl fit a standard drain.
*The things I learn on Twitter! I also found out that my persistant eye twitch, which always used to happen when I got overtired, is in fact caused by low potassium. Eat a banana and it's gone! Eat a couple per week and it enver happnes at all. Off topic, I know. But interesting! I've been puttin gup with that damn twitch for a decade now, or more.
Thanks for both the clay tip and the eye twitch comment! I used to get the damn twitch and have it for days. Hadn't even noticed it's been gone sine I've been taking potassium supplements, and never made the connection. :)
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Lori Keenan Watts (aka me) is a potter, gardener, and avid reader from Augusta, Maine. Though I started my university education in surface design for fabric, clay quickly grabbed me by the heart and redirected my creative impulses. I have been a potter for over 25 years -- hard to believe. The most valuable years of my ceramic education were spent in graduate study at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, under the tutalage of Dan Anderson and Paul Dresang.
My aesthetic is guided by my love of the material itself. What fascinates me and makes a pot compelling for me is the clay-ness of clay: the squooshiness that becomes the adamantine solidity. I also like patterns, unexpected proportions, and when the flame comes along and dissolves part of my careful decorating efforts! I am obstinate about this aesthetic, to a point which might be called pig-headed, but hey, if you don't like what you make, why bother?
My happy little family also includes my husband, musician and photographer (and author of the book Alewife) Doug Watts; five cats; and a turtle, all foundlings and rescues of one stripe or another.
If you'd do your clay measurements in metric instead of inches, you could compute percentages a lot faster...
another great tip- thanks!
Thanks for both the clay tip and the eye twitch comment! I used to get the damn twitch and have it for days. Hadn't even noticed it's been gone sine I've been taking potassium supplements, and never made the connection. :)
Wow, potassium gets rid of eye twitch!!! Oh joy!!! It drives me nuts! Thanks for mentioning it...
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