I am starting to think marketing could be fun. My first job, not counting babysitting, was at a Dunkin' Donuts. I worked my way up the ladder from waitress to finisher, which mean I got to fill, frost, and decorate the donuts. I always had a mental bet with myself that I could make customers pick, say, blueberry filled donuts, on any given Sunday, just by the way I presented them. I am recalling that lesson now: presentation is almost as important as product, when it comes to selling.
Which is good news for an artist. It means you don't have to cater to the tastes (or your best guess of them) of the market. You just make what you are driven to make, and if it is presented correctly, people will buy it.
Or that's the theory. They bought those disgusting blueberry donuts, anyway.
Mmmmm - doughnuts. Makes this granola bar seem so boring.
You're absolutely right - presentation goes a long way. Good job!
now I just need to figure out how to present my prints!
Who wouldn't be thrilled to open that box?? Really great idea. I'm sure you will get a good response. Great... Now I'm hungry for a doughnut.
I agree with you but personnally I'm hopeless with parcels!
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