It must be my Yankee upbringing; I have a hell of a time doing self-promotion. I can read all the books in the world about marketing and sales, but it doesn't silence the little voice telling me that blowing one's own horn is tacky and crass. With that in mind, I have brainstormed a list of potential slogans that seem modest enough to sneak by my inner critic. Let me know what you think.
Fine Mess Pottery: It doesn't suck!
Minnesota version: Fine Mess Pottery: It could be worse.
Fine Mess Pottery, because, why not?
Fine Mess Pottery: Producing fine stoneware since you were playing with little cars. (Whaddaya think, too aggressive?)
Beats a Sharp Stick in the Eye.
And, finally:
Fine Mess Pottery: Because you gotta buy 'em something.
I dunno -- still needs work
Random Bits
17 hours ago
Better luck with that. I understand the problem, just haven't any recommendations.
I come a family of salesman, so it's in my blood. But.. I still have a difficult time selling my pottery. It just feels so personal. I put my heart and sole is in this stuff and it doesn't feel good when others don't appreciate it.
Your work is BEAUTIFUL!! When you speak of it, speak from your heart and how you really feel about it. Like it's your child. Boast it up! Take the negative out and instead use the words you know your work deserves.
"Fine Mess Pottery.. Where the Beauty Begins"
I'm with Cindy (Dirt-Kicker), but I also know, intimately, the problem you have. I've got the same one. *rueful grimace*
How about "Fine Mess Pottery? Forever Magically Pleasing!"
I'm with you - I have a hard time with self-promotion as well. However, I'm doubly cursed because I'm not as clever and funny as you are! Enjoyed your marketing slogans a lot!
Fine Mess Pottery, taking messy clay and making it fine.
It's not your pots, it's not your prices. Engage your customer.Introduce yourself. Tell people where you are from. Finish with -And you are? Where are you from? Start a conversation not just a pitch.Sometimes people actually buy the connection with the artist and the story you tell and the pot is a memento of the experience.At a home sale or gallery you might also give them a hot beverage in one of your mugs.Keeps people there for 15 minutes while they drink the tea.
Oh, I know, Dennis. I just need to practice.
At least be consoled by the fact that you are in the same boat as many Makers.
Look at those who succeed and see how they have surmounted the problem. Each response to this problem will be individual, as makers are. Take heart from the fact that some of the top makers still lack self confidence and self belief.
We have to get out there.
I had an eye-opening experience having a stall at a Victorian costume I was someone else....and sold three times as much as I had dared to hope!!!
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