Saturday, February 21, 2009


I feel like I have lost focus a bit, between work, illness, visitors, and so on. I was really moving forward, not only with 100 Mugs, but also sorting out how to take Fine Mess Pottery to the next level. All the distractions and other obligations are very much the point, of course; this always happens and usually, I lose focus and never get it back again. This time I have the 100 Mugs show to pull me back into making, thankfully. As for the other, the mental work I am doing, I think it is time for a visioning session.
A few weeks ago, I did a post on a typical (more or less) day for me. I want to try to piece together what a typical day might look like two years from now (or, you know, however long it will take. That is something I am still working out.)

  • Up at 5:30; this is unlikely to change. Make coffee, feed critters, read news and blogs. Breakfast, bathe and dress.
  • Office hours: open mail and prepare deposit slip for any checks, fill out fair applications, respond to emails. Transfer any Paypal monies. Post new Etsy item; print out shipping labels for the Esty sales that have come in. :) Place these on a clipboard over the packing table. Call Mom or anyone else who needs a phone call; write to-do list; call or email new possibilities. 
  • Leash up the dog for our errands: the Post Office, the bank (all those checks, you know!), the library.
  • Return and do the Home Blessing, which other people call housecleaning.
  • Lunchtime & breaktime!
  • Pack the pots that need to go, either for shipping, or in bins for consignment outlets.
  • Time to make stuff! Spend the rest of the afternoon throwing, trimming, handling, glazing, or whatever needs to be done.
  • Dinner & hanging out with hubby
  • Load kiln if appropriate; otherwise it's time to relax.

Some days, of course would be given over to delivering work to outlets. Some days we'd be sitting in the sunshine at some art fair somewhere. I don't see tons of those; maybe three or four a year. It's not tremendously different from my typical day now; there's just a lot more meat to it. I already sort of know the steps from here to there: it's just that pictuing what form my reforms would take makes them easier to accomplish, and refocuses and motivates me.

Plus, you know, I'm stuck gallery sitting today.

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