Saturday, September 8, 2018

Late Night Company

The weeks leading up to an art fair usually involve some late nights in the studio. Last night was one, as I try to squeeze out one more firing before the Common Ground Fair. My summer studio is outside, and I never know who will drop by: raccoon, skunk, even an opossum once. They are hard to photograph - mammals mostly have the good sense to skedaddle once they're spotted.

Last night I moved a toolbox out of my way and discovered this praying mantis whiling away the evening & listening to the Savage Lovecast with me. Honestly if anyone could use Dan Savage's advice, it's a praying mantis.

I was charmed by her steady gaze, as though she were as interested in me as I was in her. Sorry there's no object in the photo to give you a sense of scale; I didn't want to spook her. A mantis is a pretty big bug; this one was about 4 inches long. I relocated her shortly after the photo, despite her obvious charisma - I didn't want to have to worry about accidentally squishing her.

I finished up some Jaunty Jars last night, trimmed a few bowls, decorated some tall vases; today I'll throw small things to fill the firing. It's my last day to make stuff for this bisque, and I intend to make the most of it.

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