Susan's work makes my heart do the happy dance! It makes me itch to go make pots and also makes me feel like I should just quit right now, because I will never make anything that amazing, ever. Do you know that feeling, a kind of bittersweet, achy mix of inspiration and despair? Sounds bad but it's not; fortunately the former feeling wins out.You can see lots more of it here.
For those of you who are at NCECA: have fun, my friends! I so wish I were there, but as we Red Sox fans say, wait'll next year. Next year is Milwaukee, only a day's bus ride away, and I think there may be a couch with my name on it. See you there? I'll wear a red carnation.
Chucklehead Corner
16 hours ago
I know exactly what you mean about the sad/happy emotions of Susan O'Brien's work. It is so evocative of a different, possibly not quite real, time.
Good luck with your Kickstarter project! I hope it works.
I fond you via Barbara Rogers at
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