Being a potter - or any kind of artist, really - can be pretty solitary. This weekend I am looking forward to firing my kiln with my friend and fellow Potter Cindy Chiuchiolo, of CC Ceramics. This is a case when I have to give social media some credit. You know how you meet people, and like them, but then circumstances change and your lives move on, and you never see them again? Cindy & I would have been like that - we met when we were both working at the Watershed Center for the Arts. Our desks were a few feet apart, and we got to be friends, but Cindy's internship ended and she moved back to her native Massachusetts, and I moved on to another position. We might not have encountered each other again, in the old days. Thank you, Facebook! (BTW, Cindy's cat has his own FB page. Here's a shout-out, Dark-dark!)
Lots to do! I got sucked into computer-y stuff yesterday, with the launch of my Kickstarter project (5% funded!), but I did manage to get everything waxed and do a little grocery shopping. Today I want to slip my pots and glaze a bunch of them, so there will be more table space in the studio for Cindy's work. We'll spend Saturday glazing and loading, and fire the kiln on Sunday. So excited!
Chucklehead Corner
9 hours ago
It is always fun to fire with someone else. In February Becky Brandow joined me for a firing and it was great to have another potter around. I think we both learned a lot.
Reconnecting with old friends is one of the nice parts about Facebook.
I hope you have a great firing.
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