This morning I got to thinking: most of my online audience are other potters. Maybe my Kickstarter campaign should offer something especially for them, something that will be useful in pursuing our shared passion.
So I created a new Reward level: for a $30 pledge, I will send you a bound notebook of all my slip and glaze recipes, both ^6 and ^10 with firing notes.
Yeah, most of them you will eventually be able to find online, but they are scattered, throughout this blog and my springpad notebooks. This book collects them all in one place, with information about the results I've gotten using different applications and firing conditions. The best part is, right now it's backers-only, but $30 will be the retail price for the glaze book when it is available to the public. This is really just purchasing a resource book, and in the process supporting a fellow potter.
I have another new reward level, too: for a $250 pledge, I am offering a lidded 2-quart casserole, becaus esomeone mentioned to me that it's a pretty big jump between $100 and $500.
Thanks for your patience while I eat, sleep, and breathe Kickstarter. Succeed or fail, it's a good thing the campaign is only 30 days long or I might worry the hair right off my head! If you can help, by pledging or spreading the word, many thanks. If you already have, thanks a million million.
Chucklehead Corner
19 hours ago
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