I couldn't be more pleased and honored to have been chosen as Pottery Making Info's #1 Top Blogger of 2012! If you aren't familiar, Potttery Making Info posts a great round up every month of what's happening on the many potter blogs.
It's delightful to think, as I am writing, that what I post is helpful and enjoyable to someone out there. I appreciate the honor, and the readership: let's make a great 2013!
Today is Monday, the day my classes at Portland Pottery begin again. I've got hand builders this morning, and beginners this evening; tomorrow is will be mixed skill levels, and then advanced and intermediate folks. I enjoy my break, but I miss my students, and the days start to run together. All in all I'm glad to get back in the saddle. I've been collecting some fun stuff that I am looking forward to showing them!
BTW, there are still spaces in these classes; you can register by calling Portland Pottery at (207)772-4334.
Chucklehead Corner
2 hours ago
congrats Lori, well deserved, you've had some very informative posts this year.
Congrats, Lori. You deserve the honor and recognition for your ongoing efforts to share the excitement & challenges of being a potter, and for your generosity in demonstrating to your readers so many of the techniques you introduce to your students. I wish I lived closer to Portland so I could join your learning groups and look forward to reading and seeing about them here. All manner of good wishes for 2013!
Congratulations Lori...I am so glad to know and read the top pottery making blogger for the year 2012! (Well, I kind of know you, whatever you've shared here!) Pottery Blogs are the best!
What will you do with the prize money?
sour grapes
no, just kidding of course!
Congratulations! Keep on with your fab blog!
Congratulations! Your posts are a perfect blend of pottery information and real life. I always enjoy reading your blog.
Yah!!!! Congrats.
Hey Lori,
Glad you enjoy your #1 ranking. The whole purpose of the list is to show some appreciation for all the hard work you and other bloggers put into your blogs. Thanks for sharing so much. And thanks for sharing a link to the list!
And Michael Kline, whenever the pottery blogging lifetime achievement award is presented you'll be one of the top candidates!
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