Blair’s Red Variation
Flashing slip: apply to leather hard on the dry side
Neph sy 15
Grolleg 20
Helmer kaolin 65
Add 5 Neph Sy
This is a slightly altered version of Mark Knott's red flashing slip; I've increased to Neph sy a little
Water Blue cone 6 (Julia Galloway)
Gerstley borate 6
Frit 3110 77
Flint 10
Bentonite 3
Copper carb 1 – 5% (I used 3%)
Cobalt carb .5% - 1%(I used .5%)
Or try stains in the 2 – 5%
Smooth Orange Flashing Slip
Apply to leather hard
EPK 40
OM4 ball clay 40
Borax 5
Zircopax 10
Neph sy 5
This is also a Mark Knott recipe.
These are sort of the low-hanging fruit: recipes that are available online, that people who already fire Cone 6 soda are using.I admire both Julia's and Mark's work, and plan to incorporate some of their glazes (or variations thereof;) however it occurs to me that to keep the ^6 soda palette from getting too inbred - all of us using the same recipes - I am going to have to reach beyond the published glazes, and create some of my own. Hopefully I can tweak glazes I am already using at ^10, as I like my glazes and would hate to have to simply retire the whole palette. Also, I really need a flashing slip that I can apply to bisque; maybe replace the EPK in the Smooth Orange with calcined kaolin?
People Power
1 day ago
Yes- a good flashing bisque slip would be a good find.
Here's a link with some soda recipes, some are for bisque:
I can't make any promises about them, it's not my site but at least it's a start.
Hi Lori - Those appear to be ^10, although I could probably adapt one or more of them.
I look forward to seeing progress with your project!! It will be great to see what ^6 reduction & ^6 soda you develope!
Thanks for posting these. Im new to cone 6 soda. Built a cross draft last year and just downloaded Glazemaster. Looking forward to experimenting! I appreciate your comment about inbreeding. I agree, however sharing these basic flashing slips is a great way to give us neewbies a cone 6 launch pad.
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