Everyone knows what a gravy boat looks like, right? There's a classic shape that we see reincarnated in different materials. I've made this shape out of clay in several ways - an ovaled bowl with a turned-in rim, a bottom-added ewer shape with the rim cut in a swoop - but I've never really loved my results. They always seem...contrived, I guess.
Luckily, the classic is not the only form that will serve to transport gravy to your potatoes. I kept the oval shape - so helpful in channeling the liquid - and obviously the spout and handle are indispensable. Maybe it will become the new classic!
Open all the way down to the bat, then pull up and in. |
Collar in until the form is closed; pinch off the top. |
Rib off slurry, and slightly flatten dome. |
Press into an oval shape. IRl this is a 2-handed operation! |
Have patience! this works much better if the piece is leatherhard. |
Using food coloring, plan out the shape of the opening. |
Cut the opening. The wall will be a bit thicker where the piece was collared in. |
Trim away the excess thickness. |
Smooth and shape the edge |
Throw a small disc, about 3 inches in diameter |
Cut a gibbous moon shape away. You will be using the larger piece. |
Attach to piece |
You will also want to attach a bottom (Thanks, Captain Obvious!) and a handle. I tried a few handle shapes; I am liking the high loop best, I think. That may change after I have had a chance to test drive these. An alternative way to make the spout: throw a small bowl and cut a broad scoop out of the wall. You can get three spout out of a 1-lb flat bottom bowl.
You sure did that design justice! Gorgeous!
Thanks for the awesome tutorial.
Great design and, of course, beautifully executed!
I did a gravy boat years ago. I'll have to see if I saved the prototype.
P.S. Have you decided how to glaze?
Thanks, friends!
Because I have several, I will try out different glaze schemes. Interiors glazed, of course, then the upper portion - to the throwing line - glazed, same or different. The lower parts will probably have flashing slip either by itself or with glazed-trailed dots, stripes, or curliques.
Thanks, Lori! This is terrific. I'm inspired. Thanks for your generosity in sharing this.
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