Few things make me happier than a kiln filled right up to the arch. Sorta gives you that I-done-good feeling. I'll brick it up in the morning - I had to bring the doormud inside to thaw overnight! I'm working at the Holiday Pottery Shop from 10-6 tomorrow, so will candle this load from 6 - 10 pm, then fire it off overnight Sunday into Monday morning. That will allow me to unload Wednesday morning, so I'll have all day to grind, sort, price, and pack the pots for Portland Pottery's big holiday sale which opens on Thursday. That will be my last event of the season - good thing, too, I'm pooped! Sort of tempted to spend the last two weeks of the year alternately cleaning my house - that's been pretty neglected - and sleeping.
That's not yet, though. I'm not even done with today yet! Still have to make a batch of soap - lilac, by special request from my mother. I suspect that lilac will be sort of an old-lady-ish soap scent but then my mother is, well, an old lady. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I'll make this batch hot process so it will be ready by Christmas.
Who We Are Now
15 hours ago
The way front loaded kilns look is what makes me want one! I hope you have time to take a photo from the same angle when the firing is done. I'm a big fan of before & after pictures.
Best of luck with the firing and all your sales!
It requires a great deal of willpower not to unload as I go, but I will try to get a shot of the finished pots in situ. :)
Hope the firing went well and I look forward to seeing the beautiful pottery when you're done. Then get some sleep. :-)
Looking forward to seeing the fired pots and the soap!
I also want to make a CP lavender soap in the next few days. I might just cut it a bit with some Citrus EO or something else to soften it a bit - will have to test it on a piece of paper first. Haven't tried hot process yet - since I still want to continue trying the other CP swirling techniques; but it's definitely on my "want to do" list - just have to do a bit of homework.
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