Sunday, September 8, 2024

My Old Friend

For no particular reason, I am having a difficult week. It doesn't make any rational sense; the weather has been amazing; everybody, both 2- and 4- legged, is healthy; there haven't been any crises of any kind. My classes are always full, and my sales, if still not setting the world on fire, are better than last year at this time. Why is there a persistent voice in my head constantly muttering, Wow, you really suck at this. You should probably give up. 

Hello, darkness, my old friend. 

In spite of a row of moderate successes - & let's face it, just keeping the lights on, as a single-income studio potter is a kind of success - anything that falls short of my expectations is landing on me like anvil on Wile E. Coyote.  

 I sleep like crap. My jaw aches from grinding my teeth. It's been a while since I've fought off this particular demon, and I've sort of lost the knack of it. 

Anyway, sorry for the dreary post. There are a couple of new less-whiny posts up at Patreon. I don't have the heart right now to link or cross post, but I promise (both readers & myself) that this won't last forever. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi,Lori, I bought one of the tenmoku glazed mugs, with flax blossoms, and I love it! The smaller handle is just perfect! It is mid September- maybe you just need a big dose of light to counteract the shortening of the days and the changing wavelength of light?