We fired the soda kiln at the Watershed Center on May 2, and just unloaded it today. This was our second firng in this kiln, and we definitely improved on the first:

As usual, I find the bottoms of bowls almost more handsome than the rest.

One great addition this firing was the use of Bauer Orange Flashing Slip:
41.9 EPK
41.9 OM 4
5.7 Borax
10.5 Zircopax
Apply very thinly to bisque. Works on greenware, too. Do not apply over glaze.
This week:
Monday -- Beginner's Class, Portland Pottery
Tuesday -- Fiona getting spayed! Find sub for Intermediate class.
Wednesday -- Trim lids & finish casseroles
Thursday -- Car to Lewiston for new head gasket. Glaze cat urns.
Friday -- Glaze & load
Saturday -- Firing; photograph new pots.
Sunday -- Mother's Day in So Po; unload kiln.