Mugs, I suppose - never have enough of those. But I'm kind of all mugged out. This is something I didn't anticipate when doing all my careful (well, sort of careful) planning: I don't feel like throwing. I need to, because I've got a bisque scheduled on Wednesday, and if I am going to seek out a new consignment outlet this month, I need to have something to put in it...but, meh. I just don't feel like it. I never seriously considered that I might have to force myself to throw!
I ended up making some bottles, not too bad, that are giving me ideas for some other things...

What do you do, when you get stuck?
Why I look at your blog for inspiration :)
When I think I have enough pots to fill the kiln, that's when my sketchbook comes in handy. There's always something new in there to try.
I do what you did... just start working and something happens. Or sometimes I just go to the beach. :)
I look to my molds. I have a library of hump, slump, and slip molds I've made. I'm not strictly a thrower and having a base shape to start with is usually enough to get me going.
Seeing what other people are doing is also a major inspiration. I've struggled with this since I've been working alone, but that is where the internet comes in handy (and yes, that includes your blog!).
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