It will be entirely consistent with my history with automobiles, if the hearse breaks down on the way to my funeral. I have dreadful car-karma, and it has been manifesting itself with a vengeance this winter. Two major blizzards, two concurrent breakdowns, plus a bum alternator and a minor accident to keep things interesting.
Lemons became lemonade during my most recent misfortune, however: my fuel pump quit in the midst of a terriific storm, but fortunately it did so just a couple blocks from Portland Pottery, where I am on the faculty, and where, also, I could not only use the phone to call a tow, and have a warm place to wait, but I could also get clay and use a wheel. And what else was there to do? So I made mugs, to fill a recent order from Phil at Bay View Company.
In related news, I've been noticing a used Ford Ranger for sale, that I drive by often in my travels. I asked after the cost and found that I almost afford it...and it might be worth to have automotive back up, given my history.
Yes, never let a good blizzard go to waste! Oh, the love/hate car thing, it seems to be a universal potters blight. I enjoyed the handle variety on the mugs.
I love your work! I just noticed that your network blog gadget at the lower right doesn't work...because then I could follow the blog through FB. I have one of those on my blog too and I wonder if mine is working now....
Oops...you're right, it doesn't work. Hmmm.Have to get that sorted out. Thanks.
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