Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Grind

The lovely weather we've had in Maine this weekend marks the beginning of firing season; but before firing comes shelf-grinding.

I can't say it's my favorite part of making. It's dirty, heavy work, with none of the joy that comes from the creative parts of the making process. Still, dopamine queen that I am, there's a satisfaction to it, looking at the freshly smooth, washed shelves.
And then there's the bisque firing itself! The bisque is the less complex of the two firings that make up the cycle...[read more]

Monday, March 10, 2025


 This sign appeared in the studio I teach at last week. I chuckled but at the same time felt grateful; lately the world feels like it's going down the tubes & while I do what I can to turn it back, everyone needs rest & refuge. My pottery community provides that for me. It's heartening to know it's not just me. 

There's another aspect, as well. I still believe that we need places, social places, where we can just be people; friends and neighbors. I believe this is the only possible path to the healing of this country. For  example: I have students who I know are evangelicals, who I think probably voted for trump. I also have several student who are trans. I see them all laughing together, sharing successes & failures in clay...and then, as part of the conversation, sometimes it comes up that one of them is trans. It's hard to continue to hold hateful beliefs when the person you've been told to hate is sitting beside you lending you their wire tool. 
This is the power of community. This is where our shared humanity cannot be denied, and where it has the power to heal us. 

Anyway, blah-blah-blah, new post at Patreon

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Centering Larger Pieces

Often the limiting factor of how large you can throw is, how much can you center? I have a new (free!) video on my Patreon page demonstrating a method of centering for larger pieces that will help you get around that limitation! Check out the preview clip here, then head over to Patreon to watch the whole thing (again - this one is free &available to everyone!) If you find it helpful, you can subscribe (free, or starting at $1.50/month) while you are there. :)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

It's time to think about...

 ....the Maine Pottery Tour! 

Oh, wait, no it's not!! As proud as I am of the work I did building up the tour to the event it is today, I am only delighted to have handed off that work to Milly Welsh and her team. Now is about when I would be sending out an email checking in with studios to see who would be participating this year. 

I'm almost giddy that the tour will go on but I don't have to do it. 
One of the big things I am excited about is putting the time & energy I was spending on the tour as a whole towards promoting my own event. I haven't been unhappy with my turnout but I do feel like there's room to grow.

So! While I do not have to start thinking about the tour yet, I will soon. Soon, but not today! Today I am sorting, pricing, & packing pots to go to my consignment accounts, finishing some leatherhard ware, and hopefully making a video for my Patreon page. I'm going to try This One Weird Trick I saw on instagram & make a succulent planter. It's very fun & easy! I love contrast of the rough, tree-bark-y exterior surface with the smooth, refined interior. I think the soda kiln will be a great surface for it & preserve the craggy, natural quality of it. Picture it with Hen & Chicks or Zebra plants in it. 

That vid will be for paid subscribers, so if you are interested, subscribe today! Paid subscriptions start at $1.50/month. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Slip Transfer

Every once in a while I go down a rabbit hole & get very interested in slip transfer techniques. Image transfer doesn't really have a role in my work (which is not to say that it never could) but one of the great things about teaching classes is it allows me time to explore all kinds of techniques, even if they have no immediate use for me. 
I'll have a tutorial up on my Patreon page about this - hoping to do a quick video when I demo this for my class - but honestly it's so simple it hardly requires a lesson. I just brushed slip on newspaper, let it dry to a satin shine, then pressed it onto leatherhard clay with a rib. 
I love the eroded quality of the stripes, like paint peeling on a fence. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Aaaaand, It's Live!

After a two day review period, my Faire shop is live! Faire is an online venue for store owners & buyers to find new work to carry. It's a wholesale ordering platform so it will be in addition to, rather than replacing, my online retail shop.

If it's like every other online platform, its success will depend on how well I promote it and maintain it. I'm excited to have this shop up & running just in time for trade show season! I'll let you know how it goes! 

PS. I think it helps me in some algorithm way if you click the link? I might be misunderstanding that...but just in case! If you want to help me out with minimal pain in the ass to you, you could pop in for a look! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year, New Idea!

Please forgive any typos; Finn is sleeping on my right hand, so I am typing one handed with my left. (If you have cats, you understand this. It's against natural law to disturb a sleeping cat!) 

After reading of a few people's good experiences with them, I decided to give Faire a try. Faire is an online wholesale marketplace, where buyers can find makers. It makes sense to me as an alternative to wholesale shows, that require you to haul your ware sometimes thousands of miles, stay in hotels, pay thousands in booth fees, etc. The same for the buyers! This seems like a better option. 

Unlike many potters, I like to do wholesale! My favorites are the buyers who come & choose from the inventory I already have, but orders are good, too - they let me plan a bit, knowing when I can expect payment & how much. 

(Oh! There's my hand back. Thanks, Finn! I was starting to lose feeling in it.)  

I have a dim recollection that I considered this once before & decided against it, but I'm not sure I am thinking of the same site, because while I bumped on a couple of things - we'll get to those - nothing jumped out at me as unacceptable right out of the gate. Wait! Was Faire the one that I didn't know I had to apply to & got rejected anyway? Can't remember. I hope not! If I get rejected from something I didn't know I had to apply for a second time that will be a discouraging way to start the New Year! 

You pay nothing on Faire unless you sell, in which case you pay a commission of 15%. This is a little steep, considering wholesale price is traditionally 50% of retail, and Faire asks sellers - well, requires sellers - to agree not to charge more on their site than elsewhere; or rather, it sounds a little steep, until you compare it to the costs I outlined above: booth fees, travel, time out of the studio. In the case of those costs, you pay whether you get orders or not! 15% only on actual orders is starting to sound a little more reasonable. 
Speaking of costs, though, the other thing I bumped on was pricing: I see a lot of items that I can't imagine how they are making money. Someone was offering mugs at a suggested retail of $5, which would make their wholesale price $2.50! That was just one, but there were several on the first page of the search offering mugs at a suggested retail of $25, which I also could not do. I did a big more poking about, though, and found some sellers at more reasonable price points, including one who told me Faire is about 30% of their business. 
There is an algorithm to learn; the seller I chatted with, Gravesco Pottery, suggested starting with 8 - 10 items, then adding new listings in groups of three; that seemed to keep their shop on the front page for up to a week at a time. 
Right now my shop is being "reviewed," so not yet live. I plan to offer only one slip-trail design - flax blossoms - as that is the quickest & easiest, so the lower price I'll be getting won't be unsustainable. I only have one listing, because I need to photograph some items in that design & I need to make a few more. In addition to making cornbread (for prosperity in the new year) I will be doing those things today.
I know I have mostly potters reading this blog; have any of you used Faire? What has your experience been?

PS! The December photo dump is up (free!) on my Patreon page! 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Many Thanks

One of the items on my 25 for 2025 list is the practice of gratitude, which has been shown to increase happiness, strengthen relationships, and generally promote well-being. I have a lot for which to be grateful, including all of you.
So, thank you! Thank you to everyone who reads this blog; to everyone who ever bought an item from me, who subscribes - free or paid - to my Patreon, who ever liked or shared a post of mine all social media. All of you have had a hand in making it possible for me to do my work, and for that I am grateful. 
Here's hoping we all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025. There will be challenges, there will be stumbles, there will be tribulations and celebrations. Let us remain in community, lift each other up, remember to it's ok to accept help during this next trip around the sun. 
Happy New Year from all of us (err, me) at Fine Mess Pottery! 

Monday, December 30, 2024

25 for 2025


The first year I did an "XX for 20XX" list was 2019. That list was easy to make, and I felt it made a difference in clarifying my goals for that year. Did I achieve every item on the list? I think you know the answer to that! But I find even partially completed New Year's resolutions get me closer to my goals. You have to know what your goals are to achieve them. 

The subsequent lists have been harder, in part because I took care of the low-hanging fruit the first year. As the numbers went up, the list got harder! Until this year. For some reason, this year the list practically made itself! I had to edit it to keep to 25. Some are tiny. Some are so big they will require their own plan. I x'd out some of the specific financial stuff, since that seems too private to share.
The items in bold are the ones which require a detailed plan; I'm working on those today & tomorrow. 

25 for 2025

  • 1.      5 Postcards to Voters a month
  • 2.      Birthday & anniversary adventures
  • 3.      25+ hours in the studio every week
  • 4.      Two new accounts – see list!
  • 5.      Daily gratitude
  • 6.      Wednesdays with Mom once a month
  • 7.      Pedal 6+ miles a day
  • 8.      Get dressed *immediately* after finishing workout
  • 9.      Increase savings by $xxxx
  • 10.   Blog post per week
  • 11.  Double Patreon subscribers
  • 12.  Double online sales
  • 13.   Average 15 grams of fiber per day
  • 14.   Stay within my calorie goal 90% of the time
  • 15.   Pack lunch 1x week
  • 16.   One date with Doug per week
  • 17.   Eat only when hungry
  • 18.   Fruit or vegetables every meal
  • 19.   Meditation 2 mins/day
  • 20.   Two social things per month
  • 21.   Two outdoor adventures/month
  • 22.  Buy less stuff & buy more mindfully 
  • 23.  Find time to see the people I miss
  • 24.   Floss daily
  • 25.   Renew my library card
  • 26.   Pick one household project to finish in 2025

Saturday, December 28, 2024

More Plate-O-Matic

Proud of myself - I've been very busy making in the studio, even though I have no external pressure to do so. It's the oddest thing - I think I can honestly say that there's nothing I like better than working in clay, but sometimes it takes some extrinsic force to motivate me to do so. Maybe my mental work on discipline is having some effect. 
These pieces will be in the January firing; they will have glaze on the flat portion of the interior bottom, with contrasting glaze dots on the wide rims. The smaller ovals will be the February reward for Pot of the Month Club, the $60 level on Patreon
I've got a feeling I'm gonna hit the ground running in 2025.

The Week of Reflection 2024

It's time once again for my annual ritual: The Week of Reflection! Every year during the week between Christmas & New Year's, when I don't have classes, no one is waiting for ware, and most of the holiday fuss has died down, I take advantage of my down time to review the year, think about what worked & what didn't, what challenges might arise, and make a plan for the new year. 

A key element is the X for X list; this year, it's 25 for 2025, a list of habits, goals, or changes for the upcoming year. That list will be its own post! 

So, without further ado, let the Week of Reflection commence.

I keep these reflections mostly to personal & professional thoughts. (I have lots of thoughts about the wider world! I use different platforms for those.) The bumps in my road are pretty much like most people's: I wish I had more time. I wish I had more money. I want to maintain my physical health as much as possible. I want my friendship & familial relationships to thrive. 

The past year (two years, really) have seen my business do pretty well! "Pretty well," for me, would probably be "barely surviving" for most Americans, but I'm practiced at the art of frugality & actually need very little to be happy & comfortable. Like nearly everyone, my life would be a little easier with a little more money, specifically to put into savings. I don't know about you, but I am not getting any younger, and while I will make pottery for as long as I am physically able, one day I will need to retire. Becoming better prepared for that day is at the heart of my financial goals for next year. 

The other three - time, health, relationships - are sort of all the same challenge: using my time efficiently enough to give each of those the attention they deserve. Some the goals on my list will be things I want to happen to achieve this; some will be habits I want to form or continue to use my time better. If I see an affordable device that can help, that might be on the list too! I'm a big fan of automation for tedious tasks, and have employed a small robot army for a few years now. Two vacuums, a mop, a cat feeder, and several more conventional robots like the dishwasher & washing machine have freed up time for me. If you know of other household robots, I'd love to hear about them! (Except litterboxes - I keep a close eye on automated litterboxes & so far they are all pretty terrible.)  

Although if I'm honest, it's as much a discipline challenge as a time problem. I put it down to ADHD, but sometimes it's hard for me to start a task even if it's something I know I want to do! Even if it's something I enjoy! Building habits, enlisting buddies, & building in dopamine rewards have all been useful strategies to get around this, and those strategies need to be refreshed. 

Here's wishing for a successful 2025 for all of us! More time, more health, more love & laughs & connection. Thank you for being here & following my journey. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


I learned this super-easy slab technique at the Kansas City NCECA conference. The conference used to feature a space they called the Process Room, in which artists would do quick, half-hour demonstrations of a specific process. (Fun fact! I demonstrated oval stretched butter dishes in that space, at the same conference.) The Process Room was wildly popular; it required an overflow room, and many conference participants parked themselves in the front rows for two solid days. It has not been a feature of recent conferences. I don't know why but if I had to guess, I'd say it's because it was a boatload of work & we didn't get paid? Just a guess. 

But I digress.

In the video I use a repurposed hump mold made of fiberboard from GR Pottery Forms. They are intended for potters to drape slabs over top, then pop the clay off after it's leatherhard, and they do work well for that purpose, but I find the platters made that way to be quite static. The Plate-o-matic process allows for some post-forming manipulation, so the resulting piece can be more dynamic and fluid. If you prefer, you can make your own plate-o-matic dies out of 1/2" slabs of clay, cut to shape & bisqued.

I've got a new video for paid subscribers at my Patreon page, demonstrating this technique! Check it out at this link.