
Friday, November 23, 2012

So, This Happened...

...and I didn't even know it, until 10 months later: this blog made #3 on the list of Pottery Making Info's Top Clay Blogs of 2011. That's pretty cool.

Today is not much of a studio day, as we still have family stuff going on, but I do need to get some pieces from this most recent firing to stores. At this point every day counts! This morning I will be delivering mostly mugs to Kennebec River Artisans in Hallowell, Maine, and then on to nearby Gardiner to bring pots to Clare at Monkitree.


  1. Hey, congratulations. I can understand why you received this award- I've been following your blog because I find it very informative.

  2. Congratulations - I love your blog!

  3. Sorry you just found out about it! Apparently I didn't do a very good job informing the bloggers that made the list...

    Your blog is a great resource. Thanks for sharing so much. Hopefully you'll make the list again this year and I'll actually get around to letting you know.

  4. PMI - You probably did let me know; I get so much email that there is a good chance that I just missed it.
    Thank you so much for the honor, and I am glad you enjoy the blog.

  5. Wow! That's great! It's a lot of work, so nice to be recognised!


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