
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Salt & Pepper Shakers

In honor of my brother-in-law, who mistook a salt pig for a sugar bowl last weekend, with funny results. Well, less so for him, of course.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kittens in the Studio

Arrgh! Another batch of bowls, ruined. I was spoiled by my late feline companions, who were entirely too civilized, or else too old, to go around tromping on ware. The kittens, now about nine months old, have no such compunctions. Here are two of the culprits.

And they look so innocent!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Post Firing

All in all, a good firing. I did manage a couple of glaze tests -- Gold Shino, and one called Alison's Shino. The Gold was not gold, but an intriguing peppery surface; the Alison's was a typical workhorse shino, oatmeal where thick, rust orange where thin. More photos to come.